The zaniest photographers on the Gold Coast! Bookmark this space - See you here!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My first high school senior volunteer- Angie - and I had a fabulous shoot on Sunday afternoon. The weather was perfect - total opposite of today!

Isn't she just beautiful?!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

High School Senior Signature Book 2006

We're launching a new product - the High School Senior Signature Book.

This is a funky signature book that is dedicated to you in your final year of high school. All your friends can leave a lasting message for you, so you can remember your senior year forever.

The portrait session can be any style you want - elegant, urban, retro, grunge, cityscape, beach, with your friends - whatever you can think of. We can arrange a hair and makeup artist (for the girls!) if you want.

Check it out:

Pretty cool isn't it?

We're asking for about 10 volunteers who are in senior years at high school to help us launch this product, so if you know anyone in the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Northern Rivers area that would like to have a free portrait session and complimentary book (valued at $350), let me know!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Lachlan, Stirling and Duncan

The last time I saw these darling kids was when Stirling was 3 weeks old - 3 years ago! - and now they have a little brother, Duncan.

These boys are an absolute pleasure to photograph - I just loved it! Congratulations on your new little bro guys!

Jack, Katherine and Colin

We photographed Katherine and Colin's wedding in November and had a blast. Instead of the engagement portrait, we decided to have a family portrait session after the wedding with bubby Jack.......he is sooooo cute!

Have a look.....

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

14 years - wow!

Today, 1 Feb, is our 14th wedding anniversary - goodness, I'm getting old......

I can't believe we've been married for 14 whole years.......

Here we are.....

Cute aren't we?

Portrait Promotion

We've decided to run a new marketing campaign to promote our children's portraiture.

We're sending out postcards to all our clients and distributing them to children's shops on the Gold Coast.......look out for them....there'll be a new one every month or so

This is Kyan at 6 days old......sigh.....I love newborns!